1access | 1Access Sweden AB |
31173 | 31173 Services AB |
4cgroup | 4C Group AB |
84grams | 84 Grams AB |
piteenergi | AB Piteenergi |
svenskaspel | AB Svenska Spel |
atg | AB Trav och Galopp |
ac-net | AC-Net Externservice AB |
addsec | Addsec AB |
admax | Admax AB |
adminor | Adminor Aktiebolag |
advania | Advania Sverige AB |
afaforsakring | Afa Forsakring tjanstepensionsaktiebolag |
affv | Affarsverken Karlskrona AB |
cgitab | Aixia AB |
aktiebolaget | Aktiebolaget Sappa |
svalovsbostader | Aktiebolaget Svalovsbostader |
aktivitpartner | Aktiv IT Partner Nordic AB |
biruang | Aleksander Studzinski trading as Biruang IT KB |
wberg | Alexander Wagberg trading as Wberg Networks |
alfalaval | Alfa Laval Technologies AB |
alleima | Alleima EMEA AB |
alvsbyn | Alvsbyns Kommun |
ansluten | Ansluten Hosting i Sverige AB |
anslutenhosting | Ansluten Hosting i Sverige AB |
aphelion | Aphelion Consulting AB |
apsis | Apsis International AB |
twelve99 | Arelion Sweden AB |
arkaden | Arkaden Konsult AB |
arnestorp | Arnestorp Design Handelsbolag |
ateanorr | Atea Sverige AB |
se | Atea Sverige AB |
atomia | Atomia AB |
arete | Availo Networks AB |
port80 | Availo Networks AB |
avanza | Avanza Bank AB |
freppa | AxByte Internet Services AB |
qbranch | Axians AB |
axiell | Axiell Group AB |
axima | Axima AB |
bbn | Baffin Bay Networks AB |
bahnhof | Bahnhof AB |
bktv | Balsta Kabel TV AB |
bamboradevice | Bambora Device AB |
beebyte | beebyte AB |
benders | Benders Sverige AB |
benify | Benify AB |
bgpm | BGPM Consulting AB |
levonline | Binero AB |
thalamus | Bjare Kraft Bredband AB |
bjarekraft | Bjare Kraft ekonomisk forening |
blocket | Blocket AB |
bluerange | Bluerange Sweden AB |
blycka | Blycka AB |
helsingenet | Bollnas energi AB |
borenet2 | BoreNet AB |
bosnet | Bosnet Aktiebolag |
brainmill | BrainMill AB |
bikab | Bredband i Kristianstad AB |
bredband2 | Bredband2 AB |
bredbandsson | Bredband2 Bredbandsson AB |
hpdc | Bredband2 Stockholms Stadsnaet AB |
bredbandig | Bredbandig IT Communication i Goteborg AB |
brsnetworks | BRS Networks AB |
buscom | BusCom Sweden AB |
propiedades | Bussbokningsbolagen i Norden AB |
bybrickhosting | byBrick Development AB |
bynet | Bynet AB |
cagdatastod | CAG Datastod AB |
ncmnordic | CGI Sverige AB |
sema | CGI Sverige AB |
mainframe | Christian Svensson |
citynetwork | Cleura AB |
comcenter | COMCENTER I JKPG AB |
compodium | Compodium International AB |
conapto | Conapto AB |
conect | Conect networks and Information Technology i Jonkoping AB |
connectelab | Connectel AB |
constaq | Constaq AB |
chsab | Consulta Hosting Services AB |
core2u | Core2u i Sverige AB |
karnit | CoreIT AB |
euroitsolutions | CSRW Consulting AB |
cybercom | Cygrids Communications AB |
daladatorer | Daladatorer i Mora AB |
datacom | DataCom Group Nordic AB |
dathost | Dathost AB |
daturum | Daturum AB |
diaf | Diagonal Forlags AB |
d2i-reg | Direct2Internet AB |
dndnordic | DND Nordic AB |
documaster | Documaster Sweden AB |
dox | Dox Sweden AB |
dreamhack | Dreamhack AB |
dustinab | Dustin Aktiebolag |
dustinsverigeab | Dustin Sverige AB |
egonet | Egonet AB |
elastx | ELASTX AB |
elastycloud | Elastycloud AB |
elongroup | Elon Group AB |
embark | Embark Studios AB |
ember | Ember AB |
sol | Eniro Group AB |
enlabs | Enlabs AB |
driftbolaget | Enterprise Services Sverige AB |
are-network | EODL Nordic AB |
scasgn | Essity Hygiene and Health Aktiebolag |
netent | Evolution Services Sweden AB |
telefackhandeln | evolvit Solutions AB |
evroc | evroc AB |
expisoft | Expisoft AB |
fagerhult | Fagerhult Group AB |
falukommun | Falu Kommun |
asperiqgroupab | Famco AB |
farmo | Farmo Technologies AB |
fastbit | FastBit AB |
fdcon | FDcon AB |
eastern | Fiber Island AB |
accessbolaget | Fiberaccessbolaget i Sverige AB |
fiberstaden | Fiberstaden AB |
malarenergi | Fibra AB |
filipstadskommun | Filipstads Kommun |
bankid | Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB |
bankid2 | Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB |
flightradar24 | Flightradar24 AB |
floatel | Floatel International AB |
fmv | FMV |
forsakringskassan | Forsakringskassan |
forss | Forss IT AB |
fe-den | Fouredge AB |
sitabinfra | Fredrik Holmqvist |
verisec | Freja eID Group AB |
icl | Fujitsu Sweden AB |
game-hosting | Game-Hosting GH AB |
gastabud | Gastabudstaden AB |
gavlenet | Gavle Energi AB |
gavlekommun | Gavle kommun |
sourcecom | GDM Konsult AB |
geely | Geely Europe Innovation and Collaboration AB |
getgeek | GetGeek AB |
getswish | Getswish AB |
geusgruppen | Geus Gruppen AB |
systempartnerab | Gibon Ljungby AB |
gle-ripe | GleSYS AB |
ip-only | GlobalConnect AB |
globalconnect | GlobalConnect AB |
globalwire | Globalwire AB |
gothnet | Goteborg Energi GothNet AB |
goteborg | Goteborg Kommun |
griffel | Griffel AB |
hm | H & M Hennes & Mauritz GBC AB |
holmsecurity | H.O.L.M. Security Sweden AB |
netit | Hagloef & Nordkvist Internet AB |
hcltechnologies | HCL Technologies Sweden AB |
hnet-ovan | Helsinge Net Ovanaker AB |
hexabyte | Hexabyte AB |
hi3gaccess | Hi3G Access AB |
highperformance1 | High Performance Systems Svenska Aktiebolag |
highsec | High Sec Hosting HSDC AB |
hoforsnet | Hofors Elverk AB |
hogianet | Hogia Infrastructure Services AB |
hoglandet-it | Hoglandsforbundet |
hogsbynat | Hogsbynat AB |
ilait | Hostek AB |
hostnode | Hostnode AB |
hostupab | Hostup AB |
husqvarna | Husqvarna AB |
icomera | Icomera AB |
ikea-it | IKEA IT AB |
indicate | Indicate IT AB |
sjunet | Inera AB |
isa | InformationsTeknik i Norrbotten AB |
icnet | Infracom Managed Services AB |
telelocation | InfraCom QoS AB |
iniqab | INIQ AB |
internet | Internet Vikings International AB |
iv | Internet Vikings International AB |
mantik | Internet Vikings International AB |
mla | Internet Vikings International AB |
nil | Internet Vikings International AB |
ettnet | Internet Vikings International AB |
serverconnect | Internetport Sweden AB |
invid | INVID Jonkoping AB |
invidi | Invidi Technologies AB |
ipex | IP Excess AB |
ip-osteraker | IP Osteraker AB |
iposteraker | IP Osteraker AB |
ip-onlyprod | IP-Only Produktion AB |
ip-onlyprod2 | IP-Only Produktion AB |
ircljungby | IRC Ljungby AB |
isecgroup | ISEC Group AB |
istgroup | IST Group AB |
iitn | IT Industri Tjanster i Norr AB |
itt | IT-Total Sweden AB |
itconnect | ITCONNECT Scandinavia AB |
addpro1 | itm8 Sverige AB |
itnord4 | Itnord Security Solutions AB |
its | ITS Nordic AB |
itsnillet | itsnillet AB |
elits | Iver Accelerate AB |
iver | Iver Sverige AB |
dgcsystems | Iver Sverige AB |
wecloud | j2 Global Sweden AB |
stay | j2 Global Sweden AB |
jekommunikation | JE Kommunikation AB |
jenab | Jonkoping Energi AB |
junet | Junet AB |
kamel | Kamel Networks Association |
karabro | Karabro AB |
khosting | Kareby Hosting AB |
karlskogabredband | Karlskoga Stadsnat AB |
kirunakommun | Kiruna kommun |
kivra | Kivra AB |
klarna | Klarna Bank AB |
cybercomhosting | Knowit Connectivity AB |
itsam | Kommunalforbundet ITSAM |
kopingskabeltv | Kopings Kabel-TV AB |
k-net | Kungalv Energi AB |
kustbandet | Kustbandet AB |
eriklarsson | Lars Erik Reuterborg Larsson |
leissner | Leissner Data AB |
liden | Liden Data Internetwork AB |
lindholmsviken | Lindholmsviken AB |
linserv | Linserv Aktiebolag |
ljungby | Ljungby Energi AB |
ljusnet | Ljusdals Elnat AB |
fd | LM Layer and Mesh AB |
lolocompany | Lolo Company AB |
loopia | Loopia AB |
lopnet1 | lopnet AB |
lunet | Lunet AB |
lyssna | Lyssna & Njut Fibernet AB |
maginepro | Magine Pro AB |
mainloop | Mainloop AB |
maintrac | Maintrac AB |
university | Malmoe University |
mediateknik | Mediateknik i Varberg AB |
microtec | Micro Tec i Laholm AB |
microgroup | MicroGroup Europe AB |
midas | Midasplayer AB |
midpoint | Midpoint AB |
tranquillity | Mikael Frykholm trading as Tranquillity |
minitel | miniTel AB |
mirror | Mirror Partner Utveckling AB |
missgroup | Miss Hosting AB |
mittnat | MittNat AB |
mle | Mobile Links Europe AB |
molndalsstad | Molndals kommun |
molnett-cloud | Molnett Sweden AB |
molnstruktur | Molnstruktur IT Sverige AB |
mrorange | MrOrange Travel Technology AB |
nameisp | Name SRS AB |
nasdaqomx | Nasdaq Technology AB |
nessla | Nessla AB |
nao | Net at Once Sweden AB |
netsat2 | Net Sat AB |
netcoil | Netcoil AB |
cloudpro | Nethouse CloudPro AB |
nethouse | Nethouse Sverige AB |
rewicom | Netmore Group AB |
netnod | Netnod AB |
netnordic | NetNordic Sweden AB |
noackhosting | No ACK Group Holding AB |
norisab | Nordic Internet Service AB |
nordiskehandel | Nordisk e-handel AB |
norrort1 | Nordiska Servercentralen AB |
epm | Nordlo Advance AB |
nordloboras | Nordlo Boras AB |
aconab | Nordlo Elevate AB |
zetup | Nordlo Improve AB |
oitpua | Nordlo Mitt AB |
interlan1 | Nordlo Sodra Norrland AB |
n62 | Nordlo Sundsvall AB |
netcomp | Nordlo Sydost AB |
systemintegration | Nordlo Vaxjo & Ljungby AB |
nordnetbank | Nordnet Bank AB |
gassecry | Norrlands Online AB (publ) |
neab | Norrtelje Energi Aktiebolag AB |
nossebro | Nossebroortens energi ekonomisk forening |
nynasswe | Nynas AB |
obe2 | Obehosting AB |
obe1 | Obenetwork AB |
octn | OCTN Networks AB |
oderland | ODERLAND Webbhotell AB |
dooer | ODO0270 AB |
olika | OLiKA AB |
oktv | Olofstroms Kabel-TV AB |
ocnet | On 1 Call Support AB |
inetbolaget | Open Infra ISP Production International AB |
openproducts | OpenProducts 237 AB |
elektropost | Optimizely AB |
oracle-se | Oracle Svenska AB |
basefarm | Orange Business Digital Sweden AB |
coresec | Orange Cyberdefense Sweden AB |
satpoint | Orbyt Global AB |
orkelljunga | Orkelljunga Kommun |
ovikkmn | Ornskoldsviks Kommun |
outpost-24 | Outpost 24 AB |
ovikenergi | Ovik Energi AB |
ovpnintegritet | OVPN Integritet AB |
doggy | Partner in Pet Food Nordics AB |
prv | Patent- och Registreringsverket |
payex | PayEx Sverige AB |
pcldata | PCL Data AB |
perfectsense | Perfect Sense AB |
pingday | Pingday AB |
pingdom | Pingdom AB |
pricerunner | PriceRunner International AB |
borderlight | Primlight AB |
prinode2 | Prinode AB |
proact | Proact IT Sweden AB |
profitbyte | Profitbyte AB |
pvdatanet | PVDataNet AB |
qavat | Qavat AB |
qbrick | Qbrick AB |
bizit | QD Sverige AB |
officeitpartner | Qlosr AB |
quicknet | QuickNet AB |
quxlabs | QuxLabs AB |
rackfish | Rackfish AB |
rattsmedicinalverket | Rattsmedicinalverket(Swedish National Board of Forensic Medicine) |
rbcom | RB Communication AB |
readspeaker | ReadSpeaker AB |
rts | Real Time Services Cloud AB |
redbridgeab | RedBridge AB |
litnet | Region Blekinge |
regionskane | Region Skane |
sll | Region Stockholm |
vllnet | Region Vasterbotten |
relyit | Rely IT Norrtelje AB |
remote24 | Remote24 AB |
resilans | Resilans AB |
glecom | Resona Glecom AB |
riksgalden | Riksgaldskontoret |
rockan | Rockan Data Center AB |
roxtec-it | Roxtec International AB |
stokab | S:t Erik Kommunikation AB |
bluesafespring | Safespring AB |
sandnet | Sandviken Energi AB |
shlab | Satellithuset i Limmared AB |
savecore | Savecore Future Operations AB |
savman | SavMAN AB |
mrfriday | Scalability AB |
scandinavian | Scandinavian Hosting AB |
scania | Scania CV AB |
vision2099 | Scanit i Sverige AB |
scienceit | Science IT Lund AB |
sectra | Sectra Imaging IT Solutions AB |
servanet1 | Servanet AB |
serverpro | Server Pro Sweden AB |
scd | Sheimo Scorpion Data AB |
sherpas | Sherpas Group AB |
tictail | Shopify Sweden AB |
maingate | Sierra Wireless Sweden AB |
sprintlink | SIHI Scandivavia AB |
clxcommunications | Sinch AB |
46-symsoft | Sinch Operator Software AB |
sirius | Sirius International Insurance Company PLLC |
efoldnl | Sista versen 81302 AB |
sitevision | SiteVision AB |
skekraft | Skelleftea Kraft Elnat AB |
sli | SLI AB |
teknikpark | Soderhamn NARA AB |
sonyericsson | Sony Mobile Communications AB |
spacedump | SpaceDump IT AB |
spsm | Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten |
spotify | Spotify AB |
starstableent | Star Stable Entertainment AB |
statens-skolverk | Statens Skolverk |
scb | Statistics Sweden |
scs | Stiftelsen Chalmers Studenthem |
ii-stiftelsen | Stiftelsen for Internetinfrastruktur |
sgs | Stiftelsen Goteborgs Studentbostader |
straznet | Straznet AB |
svea | Svea Hosting AB |
ramlagret | Svea Internet AB |
axbyte | Svenska Domaner Hosting AB |
svenskamassan | Svenska Massan Stiftelse |
smhi | Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut |
svt | Sveriges Television Aktiebolag |
sveriges | Sveriges Utbildningsradio Aktiebolag |
swedbank | Swedbank AB |
ssisab | Sweden Secure Internet Solutions AB |
ssc | Swedish Space Corporation |
swetax | Swedish Tax Agency |
slu | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences |
sydantenn | Sydantenn och Tele Aktiebolag |
synotio | Synotio AB |
tsi | Technology Solution & Integration Sverige AB |
telavox | Telavox AB |
swipnet | Tele2 Sverige AB |
ericsson | Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson |
telemacos | Telemacos Holding AB |
telenor-connexion-ab | Telenor Connexion AB |
telenor | Telenor Sverige AB |
teleservice | Teleservice Bredband Skane AB |
teletek | Teletek 5060 AB |
teliadk | Telia Company AB |
teliaeu | Telia Company AB |
teliase | Telia Company AB |
cygategroup | Telia Cygate AB |
teracomboxergroup | Teracom AB |
th1ng | TH1NG AB (publ) |
tpo | The Production Office in Stockholm AB |
edb-unigrid | Tietoevry Tech Services AB |
systeam | Tietoevry Tech Services Sweden AB |
tmcit | TMcIT i Sverige AB |
sveaweb | Topborn AB |
trafikverket | Trafikverket |
transfer | Transfer Networks Sweden AB |
fiberdata | Transtema Fiberdata AB |
trioptima | TriOptima AB |
tripnet | Tripnet AB |
tyrens | Tyrens Sweden AB |
uc-ab | UC AB |
ulricehamns | Ulricehamns Energi AB |
umdac | UMDAC, Umea University |
umeaenergi | Umea Energi Umenet AB |
umeakommun | Umea kommun |
unilabs | Unilabs AB |
uppcom | Uppcom AB |
lin-net | Utsikt Bredband AB |
idea-vmi | Vaddo Media Information IS AB |
vaggeryd | Vaggeryds Energi AB |
valvea | Valvea AB |
varbergkabel | Varberg Energi Elnat AB |
stadsnat | Varnamo Energi AB |
varnamo | Varnamo Kommun |
verisure | Verisure Innovation AB |
uunet | Verizon Sweden AB |
sunet | Vetenskapsradet / SUNET |
viaeuropa | ViaEuropa Sverige AB |
viaplay | Viaplay Group Sweden AB |
tim | Videnca AB |
vimmerbykommun | Vimmerby kommun |
vinnergi | Vinnergi AB |
vmar | VMAR IT AB |
vxfiber | VNext AB |
voicetech | VoiceTech Sweden AB |
vokby | VOKBY Bredband AB |
volvogroup | Volvo Information Technology AB |
whold | Walder Holding AB |
wantech | Wantech AB |
weblandhosting | Webland AB |
wekudata | Wekudata AB |
wdm | West Digital Management AB |
wec | Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB |
veab | Wexnet AB |
wireline | Wireline AB |
x-aktkom | X-akt Kommunikation AB |
yayabee-sw | Yayabee Sweden AB |
yelles | Yelles AB |
ymerit | YMER Managed Services AB |
zedcom | Zedcom AB |
zenseact | Zenseact AB |